DIALOG and DIALOGEX resources


Size/Type Description
u16 Dialog version (1 for DIALOGEX)
u32 Help ID
u32 Extended style
u32 Style
u16 Number of controls
u16 X
u16 Y
u16 Width
u16 Height
NameOrOrdinal Menu
NameOrOrdinal Dialog class
Null-teriminated UTF-16 String Title
  • Multiple of each optional statement is allowed, and the last one specified takes precedence, with the exception of CLASS and MENU (see below).

CLASS and MENU quirks

  • MENU is a proper NameOrOrdinal, in that it can be unquoted, contain “ within it, etc.
    • However, it is parsed differently than a NameOrOrdinal used for resource id/types. Whenever the first character is a number, it is treated as a number. Anything after that is treated as a digit with the value <UTF-16 code unit> - '0' (where '0' is 0x30, and using wrapping underflow for ascii values < 0x30). Some examples:
      • 3200 -> 3200 (ordinal)
      • 1+1 -> 51 (ordinal)
      • 1|2 -> 862 (ordinal)
      • 1a2 -> 592 (ordinal)
      • 1a -> 59 (ordinal)
      • 1A -> 27 (ordinal)
      • 1! -> 65531 (ordinal)
      • -> 0x122 (ordinal, Œ is U+0152, so - 0x30 is 0x122)
      • 0<U+10002> -> 0x49F2 (ordinal, <U+10002> is 0xD800 0xDC02 in UTF-16, so 0xD800 - 0x30 is 0xD7D0, multiplied by 10 (with wrapping overflow) that is 0x6E20, then 0xDC02 - 0x30 is 0xDBD2, added to 0x6E20 (wrapping on overflow) is 0x49F2)
      • 1PleaseDon'tInterpretThisAsANumber -> 28404 (ordinal)
      • 3200-1600 -> 24848 (ordinal)
      • 3200-1600+1 -> 59919 (ordinal)
      • (3200-1600) -> (3200-1600) (string)
  • If CLASS or MENU is specified first as an ordinal with in a resource, then any more CLASS or MENU optional statements will also be treated as an ordinal, e.g. 1 DIALOGEX 1,2,3,4 CLASS 1 CLASS "this would normally be a string" {} will result in a resource with a class of 47959 as an ordinal.
  • CLASS must be either a number, number expression, or a quoted string literal. If a quoted string is to be interpretted as a number due to the quirk in the previous point, then it is parsed first and then uses the same evaluation as MENU outlined above.


  • If a FONT optional statement is present, DS_SETFONT (0x40) is implied
  • italic setting of a FONT statement is a number evaluated as a u16 and then interpretted as a boolean (so 65536 overflows to 0 which is interpretted as FALSE, and so is 65536L [but 65537 overflows to 1 which is TRUE]).
  • charset setting of a FONT statement is truncated to a u8.
  • The comma between point_size and typeface parameters of FONT is optional (and can also be > 1), e.g. FONT 1 "name" is valid and so is FONT 1,, ,, "name". The commas between the rest of the parameters are required and there can only be exactly 1 between those parameters.